posted by Prime Sarmiento
  My mother used to say that Christmas was for kids while Easter Sunday was Christmas for adults. I was a child then and hardly understood what my mother meant.
The Christians view Easter as the day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But for others, Easter is a day to honor Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring, the East, Resurrection, and Rebirth.
  The month of April, after all, signals the onset of the spring season in the western hemisphere. While there's no such thing as spring in this tropical southeast Asian country, I like the idea of spring and everything that it symbolizes – new life, new season, HOPE.
  So it's just fitting that for this month, The Flock's soulcraft project theme is the Full Pink Moon, the moon cycle that occurred mid-April. Native Americans named the Full Pink Moon after the wild pink moss, the earliest wildflowers of spring.
  The Flock is an online spiritual community for women. Every month, as part of our spiritual practice, we create a collage inspired by the current moon cycle. The collage serves as a talisman, a visual reminder of my intention form the month.
  I seldom create these collages (I'm too busy, I guess). But this month, during the Easter holiday, I decided that I will create my own because I love the idea of new life.
In her e-mail to members of The Flock, Rachelle Mee-Chapman, the community's spiritual director, asked us to reflect on what we want to blossom this month. What are our dreams, intentions, wishes, or hopes for the next moon cycle?
  There's only one thing that I want to nurture this month (and perhaps in the next few moon cycles): that is my for my location -independent copy writing business to take root, grow and blossom 🙂
  I want to travel more next year and I'm very keen on spending about three months in Europe. Given that's expensive, I really have to bring my business with me to sustain my travels.
  It’s this dream that inspired me while cutting pictures from old magazines to make my collage. One of the most powerful images that I got is the photo of a woman knitting and I put this photo on the top of my collage. 
  I don't knit, but I love the idea of knitting (or any kind of craft, for that matter). I like the creative process, of doing something one step (or is it one purl?) at a time, with nothing more than a pair of needles, a ball of yarn, and a design idea. The finished product may or may not be the one that you originally designed in your mind. And yet that didn't matter because your handcrafted creation was beautiful and made with love.
  This, in a nutshell, is a how I also view my nascent copy writing business – a creative and enterprising project that will grow one baby step at a time.
At the center is a map and photos of Europe – a visual reminder of my goal. 

At the bottom is a picture of a woman on a motor scooter – an image that to me symbolizes "freedom", "movement" and "independence".
So here's what I created – a collage of my aspiration, proof that Easter is like Christmas as it offers the gift of hope and rebirth.




What are your aspirations? What do you want "to blossom" this spring? Please share your thoughts in the comment section. You may also want to send this inspiring post to your family and friends by e-mailing them this link:



  The Flock – this is an online spiritual community for women.  I love being in this group as it allows me to practice my spirituality the way I like it to be.  It's non-sectarian and welcomes anyone from various faiths. If you like to know more about The Flock and "a spirituality that fits",  you can read Rachelle's post: Relig-ish: A New Tribe