2014 opens up a new window of opportunity for The Gypsy Gals
Text by: Prime Sarmiento
Photos: Prime Sarmiento and Avie Olarte
"We can only feel happy and fulfilled if we're engaged in our (soul's) purpose.” – Doreen Virtue
For the past two years I've been setting an intention of the year as this guides how I conduct my life, career and relationships. Like the intentions I set in the previous years, my intention in 2014 is grounded on the significant experiences from the previous year and how I will use the lessons learned from these experiences to aid my personal growth, and consequently, the evolution of The Gypsy Gals.
In many ways, The Gypsy Gals, this travel blog that you are reading now, reflects both my internal and external journeys. Hence in 2012, my intention for the year was to “Follow my Heart” and to this end dedicated that year building a wonderful community for solo female travelers because this has always been my dream. The following year, emboldened by my early success as an indie online publisher, I became more ambitious and set “Go Big or Go Home” as my intention for 2013. I wanted a place at the Big Girls table and even went through an intensive one-on-one business coaching in order to make The Gypsy Gals the ultimate multimedia site for solo female travelers.
But as I mentioned in my previous post, I sort of attained my 2013 goal but it was not exactly the way I wanted it. This, topped with my life changing experiences in Vietnam and Malaysia, pushed me to finally follow the path towards something more aligned with my soul's higher purpose.
This time I will be welcoming the year of the Wood Horse with this intention: Commitment to my Soul's Higher Purpose.
To this end I am committing to learn more about spiritual and energy healing to serve and mentor all of you who are in a transition phase – who need more inner work to bus through blocks that prevent you from making that leap to a career that is more aligned to your life's purpose.
I am also committing to teaching all these lessons that I learned not only through coaching, but also to the blog posts, guides and e-courses that I will be releasing this year.

What I will continue doing this year:
My lil sis and I will continue to travel and blog that will inform and inspire women to travel on their own.
I will continue to produce videos and podcasts.
My lil sis will continue to provide dispatch from Europe while I will continue to blog more about Asia owing to my Karmic link to this region.
We will continue to engage with other travelers through our growing Facebook community and Twitter. We also welcome personal meet ups with other female travelers.
What will I stop doing this year:
I'm done with sight seeing. From now on, apart from the occasional business travels, I will only travel to further my spiritual growth and personal healing.
Unless you are one of our close friends, my lil sis and I are no longer replying to queries for suggestions on best hotels/restaurants etc. A lot of these queries, I noticed, came from rude and abusive freeloaders who won't even say thank you after getting free info from us and are too lazy to google about this information. It's about time to set boundaries.
I'm no longer talking or meeting up with people who waste my time – people who belittle my dreams or ask advice but then don't want to follow it.
I'm getting out of the content/travel blogging business. Here's my advice to aspiring bloggers: ad revenues won't pay the bills. Sell products and services instead.
New Things in 2014:
I'm redesigning this site with the help of my VA and in fact the new logo that you can see now is part of that.
I'm launching my career break e-book .
I will be offering coaching, products and e-courses for women [and also men] who want to release their fears via inner work (energetic healing, chakra clearing, meditations, intuitive card readings] in order to have careers and/or business aligned with their heart's desires and soul's higher purpose. I'm targetting mostly career breakers, career changers and aspiring entrepreneurs.
I will be producing posts, videos and podcasts dedicated to inner work and energy healing – including meditations, chakra healing, intuitive guidance, Goddess Spirituality, etc.
Most importantly I want to feel free, soulful and abundant this year and I'm wishing that you too will be enriched by these positive vibes in 2014.